Enjoy the entire event from start to finish from the comfort of your own home with our LIVE Hair Art & Mobile Salon EXPO Broadcast! For a small fee you can watch all the important angles and views of the Expo from the roaming cameras and the main view cameras that will be set up all throughout the venue and even outside the building.
On air interviews and cut scenes will fill you in on everything you need to know about the Mobile Salon announcements that this Expo will be bringing to all the in person attendees and to the world. A high stream, high bandwidth service has been put together special for this event. Sign up early because there will a very Limited number of online access passes sold for this online broadcast.
(There will also be online Prize Giveaways and Participation Prizes available to Win and have mailed out to all the online attendees, participants and winners as well!)

Purchase ACCESS
The Mobile Salon EXPO is proud to bring to you the first ever Streaming Broadcast of a Mobile Salon Exhibition. This is the first time you as the guest will be able to attend this event online without having to be there in person. You will also be able to watch the entire event from the viewpoint of the actual guest that are physically in attendance and broadcasting their individual views of all the different angles of the show from their smartphones.
Click Here to purchase ONE SCREEN Online Access to the Hair Art & Mobile Salon EXPO.
This option will allow you to log on and view the entire two day event from the comfort of your own home. You will get access to the Main camera angel as well as multiple cut-a-way shots from the different cameras that will be set up through out the EXPO Event.

Tip: Purchase this option if you have slower bandwidth on your computer or if you are watching over your cell phone connection. Also be sure to put in your order A.S.A.P. to get access to this service because there is a limited number of access opening available.
Click here to purchase ALL SCREENS Online Access to the Hair Art & Mobile Salon EXPO.
ALL SCREENS Access means being able to connect to all available broadcasting cameras at the same time. This option will allow you to log on and view the entire two day event from the comfort of your own home. You will also be able to switch between the cameras to find the angel or the view you want see.
PRICE: $4.99

Tip: Make sure you have a faster connection when you order this service. Also be sure to put in your order A.S.A.P. to get access to this service because there is a limited number of access opening available.
Click Here if you plan on attending the Hair Art & Mobile Salon EXPO and you have a broadcast capable smart phone AND you want to get Paid to walk around the EXPO filming the show to Live Stream it to our Mobile Salon Website to be seen by Hundreds of Thousands of people! This is called being a ROAMING STREAMING GUEST (R.S.G.). Sign up by clicking the Picture above or the Link below. Easy way to enjoy the show and Get Paid at the same time!

Tip: If you are already good at Live Streaming and you have other channels or websites with some of your streams on them, please list them on the application to speed up your approval process.