What's going on at the 2023 Hair Art & Mobile Salon EXPO?
NOT your
HairShow or CarShow
The event is a blend of a Hair Show that features Hair Art (Haircuts with wild and crazy-designed hair) and a Car Show that features Mobile Salons (Shuttle buses converted into custom Mobile Barber Shops and Mobile Beauty Salons).
Our Hair Art Advertising Haircuts and our NEW Unbelievable Mobile Hair Salon Opportunity will be presented in Dallas, Texas.
Hair Art & Mobile Salon EXPO
Dallas, Texas
The Hair Art & Mobile Salon EXPO event is one of many that are scheduled to increase awareness and educate the general public on the Barber & Beauty Industry bringing Mobile Salons to the world and promoting hair enthusiasts of all ages and races to wear Hair Art Designs and Company Logos as a new form of Advertising! Mobile Salons equal convenience. Instead of the customer having to go to the Barber Shop or Beauty Salon, now the Mobile Shops and Salons will come to the customers! Hair Art is an innovative method of displaying Company Logos in places other ads can’t go.
Hair Art &
Mobile Salon
The World is Going MOBILE!
This is the First Ever Hair Art & Mobile Salon EXPO and it is a show you don't want to miss.


See Show Dates and Time on the Schedule Above...

An In Depth Look at the Hair Art & Mobile Salon EXPO:
Come out to see the evolution of Barber Shops & Beauty Salons into this new world of Mobile Shops & Salons and a brand new advertising method On & In the Hair of real customer heads through Hair Art Advertising. Also being announced at the show is the new marketing platforms of one, advertising on the inside and outside of the Mobile Salon Buses through new types of LED Screens, Digital Vehicle Wraps, and other promotional methods. And two, advertising on and in the hair of real customers heads through the new method of Hair Art Designing rebranded as Hair Art Advertising. This event was created by Ronnie Mac, “Mr. Hair Art” and hosted by Shops & Salons NETWORK. This event is open to the public and all Barber & Beauty Professionals, Students, Sponsor Companies, Investors, and Advertisers are welcome to participate.
This two-day event is expecting over 5,000 to attend in person and will be broadcasting the entire event over the internet through multiple LIVE STREAMS to over 100,000 paid online viewers. Among the attendees are business class owners and worker/operator class Barbers, Stylist, Cosmetologist, Nail Technicians, Massage Therapist, Pet Groomers and more. Many licensed professionals and just starting out students are also scheduled to attend this unprecedented event. Even Celebrities that are currently or soon to be enjoying the luxury and convenience of having their very own Mobile Salon Franchise parked outside their home or workplace will be attending the Mobile Salon EXPO. (Some of which have agreed to perform LIVE on stage at the Expo)
This event will have things for all the Barber & Beauty Professional as well as Sponsor Companies, Investors, Advertisers and THE WHOLE FAMILY! This Mobile Salon EXPO event will have real Mobile Salons & Exhibits on display for you to see and go aboard to test out. Over 50 New Product Vendor Booths for all you "GOTTA HAVE IT FIRST" professionals out there. Multiple gaming and event booths for the kids and Mobile Food Trucks and concessions for vending your favorite event foods!
If there are any Sponsors, Investors or Advertisers who want to get in on this once in a lifetime opportunity and be a part of a groundbreaking industry shift, please contact the Mobile Salon NETWORK today.
“The Barber & Beauty Industry is now going MOBILE!” said the Owner, Ronnie Mac.

Get your Wrapped Mobile Salon Bus in the Mobile Salon EXPO!
Advertise with the Mobile Salon NETWORK to get the absolute best deal for your money. We are the only company in the world that for your one-time investment you will receive a ton of advertising for a Whole Year! This includes a vehicle wrap on the Mobile Salon Bus! Features in the Hair Art Magazine, Website and Hair Art TV! Even your logo or image designed into customers hair Every Month! (AND MUCH MORE!)
Learn everything you need to know about the Mobile Salon Bus business from the ONLY Mobile Salon School in the WORLD! Learn all aspects of the operation of the vehicle from maintenance of all the components like the water tanks, electrical connections and the customer entertainment systems to all the laws and regulations of operating a Mobile Salon business in your state. Our Mobile Salon Driving Course is one of a kind. The only course built to teach how to maneuver a shuttle bus in the commercial, as well as, residential areas to park and do hair anywhere you are needed.

***NEW*** Mobile Salon CLASSES from the Mobile Salon SCHOOL will be at the Hair Art & Mobile Salon EXPO!

Come to see our variety of Mobile Salon Buses at the one and only Hair Art & Mobile Salon EXPO! The Barber & Beauty Industry is going MOBILE! Experience our Custom Mobile Salon Buses in person. Barbers & Stylists can come to the Mobile Salon EXPO to see exactly what type of Mobile Salon Bus options there are and what they would like to work in. These Mobile Salon Buses will be manufactured and available nationwide. Come aboard and see the Mobile Salon Buses up close - inside and out - and check out the features to see how they work. Even sign up to WIN a fully customized Mobile Salon Bus right at the EXPO. This is the ONE SHOW you should NOT MISS!
Inside stages will be installed for LIVE Entertainment by local and visiting celebrity entertainers. On stage appearances, are being booked for up and coming entertainers as well. There will be multiple Hair Shows and Hair Show COMPETITIONS. This Expo is an all-day event. Times and appearances will be announced throughout the day in the Mobile Salon EXPO App for attendees and on the Mobile Salon EXPO website for online attendees.
(If you’re an entertainer who wants to perform on stage at one of the largest events in the Mobile Barber & Beauty Industry and be seen by millions of eyes worldwide then contact the Mobile Salon EXPO event coordinators at (800) 406-7711.)

Standard and custom built vendor and trade show booths will be allowed and even provided for those potential vendors who would like to pay a little extra to have us setup or custom build them their very own vendor booth. This clean, pleasant and exciting event atmosphere will provide the perfect conditions for any & all vendors to sell, advertise or promote any products and/or services possible. These booths are interesting and available for the attendees and participating companies, even sponsors that are looking to find that up & coming new idea or product that they have been looking for to invest in!
It seems that Everyone wants to go Mobile and be a part of this extremely lucrative Mobile Salon Industry. This is why we created the ability for Barbers & Stylist, as well as, companies & investors to now FRANCHISE with us! The introduction of the ONLY Mobile Salon FRANCHISE in the World will be announced at this Mobile Salon EXPO event. And the opportunity to buy into a fully running Mobile Salon Franchise Business will be open and available only at the 2023 Hair Art & Mobile Salon EXPO. Get on board NOW, before it's too late!
Together we will build a New Mobile Barber & Beauty Salon Industry Nationwide!

This will be the very First Customized HAIR ART & MOBILE SALON SHOW to ever be put on at this level. We are very proud and excited to have such an event that will be presentable for not just the Barber & Beauty Industry but for the whole family. An open theme allows us to put together everything from Presentations and Performances of all types as well as Surprises from our EXPO Vendors! All this with the Hair Art & Mobile Salon foundation and Industry Investors Sponsoring the whole Show...
Get there early to sign up for all the events along with Cash & Prizes Competitions!
Mobile Video Gaming @ The EXPO
HooRay!!! In addition to all the new types and styles of Mobile Salo Buses, the Hair Art & Mobile Salon EXPO will be rolling out the Mobile Video Gaming Buses to entertain everyone especially the kids that are coming out. Come out and sign-up to play inside the Mobile Video Game Buses and enter to WIN Cash & Prizes and even a Trophy in our brand New Hair Show Video Game Tournaments!

Are you a V.I.P.? Go online and order upgraded V.I.P. Tickets to get access to all the Fun and Exciting areas of the Hair Art & Mobile Salon EXPO! When you order V.I.P. Tickets to this show, you can automatically receive all the benefits listed for V.I.P. Guest in addition to tickets for the next Hair Art or Mobile Salon NETWORK Show or Event. Just see Mr. Hair Art, Ronnie Mac, to collect your complimentary Tickets.